
Ana Ivanović

Through Art Toward Freedom

Ivana Vaseva

Vigorous women’s voices – a bold visual prose in several stories from North Macedonia

Adna Muslija

Chronology of Efforts and Resistance

Marta Czyż

Anatomy of Vigilance Another edition of the project and exhibition at Galeria Labirynt. Secondary Archive – Women Artists in War

Zsuzska Kozák

The Political Potential of Embroidery in contemporary art of the Central Eastern European Region: Examples from Belarus, Romania and Hungary

Kateryna Iakovlenko, Oksana Briukhovetska, Alya Segal

Kateryna Iakovlenko, Oksana Briukhovetska, and Alya Segal, curators of the “Women Artists in War” at Secondary Archive Ukraine, on how the art of Ukrainian women artists has changed since February, 24, 2022.

Asia Tsisar

The Role You Made Me Play: About Unobvious Difficulties of Studying Eastern European Art

Erëmirë Krasniqi

Interrogating Exclusion: A Summary.

Dejan Vasić

Female Artists in the First Person

Valentina Bonizzi

a secondary calendar for a secondary archive

Kateryna Iakovlenko

Highlight Ukrainian Artist-Women Practices: How to Make the Story Visible?

Anna Karpenko and Sophia Sadovskaya

Present that Has Not Yet Come

Marianna Placáková

Women’s Agency and Legacy of (Post)Socialism: Understanding Czech Women Artists’ Attitudes Towards Feminism

Magdalena Adameczek

Women of the “New Europe”

Viktoria Popovics

Your Body is (still) a Battleground: –Representation of Motherhood in Contemporary Art in Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary.–

Denisa Tomkova

Romani Feminism in Works of Female Roma Artists